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Non Surgical Body Contouring In Norfolk

Victoria Reynolds
February 17, 2022
By: Victoria Reynolds
Min Read

I know that non surgical body contouring can sound like quite a daunting prospect, especially if you’re unfamiliar with it, but trust me, it’s not terrifying at all! It provides my patients with the confidence they need to take on their day, especially with the warmer months just around the corner.

At Elysium, we offer our customers the ability to increase their confidence with 3D Aesthetics’ latest advancement – the 3D lipo Ultimatepro. This device really delivers when it comes to non surgical body contouring treatments. Skin tightening and fat reduction treatments can also be performed with ease, but non surgical body contouring is where this device really shines. If you’ve found yourself wondering what on earth non surgical body contouring even is, keep reading to find out!

What Exactly Is Non Surgical Body Contouring?

When discussed in the broadest terms, non surgical body contouring refers to non invasive treatments that can be used instead of liposuction to target cellulite and improve firmness. With this treatment, there’s no lengthy downtime either, allowing you to carry on with your day as planned right after your appointment.  The 3D lipo Ultimatepro is one of the most popular devices on the market and for good reason! It uses 4 combined technologies to provide you with the best results possible:
  • Cavitation uses an ultrasound wave to mechanically disrupt the cell membranes of the fat cells, making it ideal for inch loss and body contouring. The body’s fat cells aren’t able to withstand the powerful vibrations caused during this process and their cell membranes break down very quickly as a result.
  • Cryolipolysis is used to freeze subcutaneous fat cells, making them vulnerable. They will continue to die as a result of this drastic drop in temperature. These cells are then eliminated through the body’s natural processes to achieve fat removal.
  • Shockwave therapy is used to shrink and permeate fat cells, which also encourages the body to remove these cells naturally. It’s great for improving lymphatic drainage and blood supply, allowing for better skin tightening results, as well as the softening and strengthening of the connective tissue in the body.
  • Radio frequency is used to tighten the skin and melt fat cells! At skin temperatures of 40°C, fat cells will start to melt and metabolise. This will also tone the skin. 

Who Is Non Surgical Body Contouring Perfect For?

So, now you know all about the 3D lipo Ultimatepro and how impressive it is when it comes to non surgical body contouring! But, were you also aware that it’s loved by celebrities? This is most likely because it ensures patients can see an improvement in fat reduction, and the disappearance of cellulite and loose skin with the use of just one machine. This device is perfect when it comes to treating any of the following areas of the body: the abdomen, hips, upper arms, the buttocks and the backs of the thighs, as well as both the outer and inner thigh. If any of these areas are of particular concern for you, then the 3D lipo Ultimatepro is exactly what you need. If you have any queries or concerns regarding this treatment option, please give me a call.

Get In Touch Today

I’m always happy to discuss Elysium’s services and the treatment options we offer. Please call 01328 853586 or email me at victoria@elysium.local. Alternatively, you can click here to book a consultation via our website. Don’t forget to sign up to Elysium’s newsletter and to join our communities on Instagram and Facebook.

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